How to make smooth HDR on mobile in 4 easy Steps


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Today we are going to learn how to make smooth HDR on mobile

Here are 4 steps on how to make smooth HDR on mobile

I’ll explain how to use the MEITU app to produce HDR on your smartphone today. HDR is often created on a computer because it cannot be done on a mobile device. Nevertheless, MEITU is a smartphone software that can HDR-enhance your video. You need to download the MEITU app before I can walk you through the steps. This app is not available on the Play Store. Below is a link to the app’s download page. Thus, download it first.

Step 1:

Open the MEITU app and click on the video editing option. Import the video you want to edit.   


Step 2:

Click on the timeline of the video. You will see new tools such as Add Video, Cut, Speed, Animation, etc. In this row, you will find an option called Image Quality Repair. Click on it.


Step 3:

As soon as you click on Image Quality Repair, you will see a pop-up message. Tap on OK.


After clicking OK, you will see an option in the corner of the video. This means that your video is being repaired. This may take some time depending on your network. Let it go up to 100%.

Step 4:

After reaching 100%, you have to do a little bit of color grading. If your video’s color grading is good, you can skip it and export your video.


So, for color grading, you don’t need any other app. Just use the options available in MEITU.

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By following these steps you can make smooth HDR video on mobile

People Also Ask Those Questions:

Is HDR effective on mobile?

HDR (High Dynamic Range) can improve the overall quality of photographs and videos by offering a wider variety of colors and contrast, so yes, it’s fantastic for mobile phones.

What does HDR mean in a phone?

The HDR camera technology used in mobile phones combines multiple photos taken at various exposures to produce a single image with a larger dynamic range. As a result, photos are of higher quality and contain more details in both the bright and dark portions of the image.

Which is better HDR or normal?

When there is a lot of contrast between the bright and dark parts of the scene being shot, HDR is usually preferable to standard mode. When this happens, HDR can create photos that have more details in both the bright and dark areas, giving the image a more even and authentic appearance.

However, there are some circumstances where utilizing standard mode may be preferable because it can capture photographs more rapidly and with less noise, such as while photographing moving targets or in low light.

Should I use HDR mode?

Depending on the circumstances and the desired result. Using HDR mode can result in a photo that is more balanced and realistic-looking if you are taking a picture of a scene with a lot of contrast between the bright and dark sections. However, choosing regular mode could be preferable in some circumstances, such as when photographing moving subjects quickly or in dim lighting. Which setting suits you the best ultimately depends on personal preference and experimentation.

What is HDR in camera Android?

HDR stands for High Dynamic Range, which is a camera feature in Android devices that helps capture photos with more detail and color accuracy in high-contrast lighting situations. HDR mode captures multiple photos at different exposures and combines them to create a single, well-balanced image.

How to use HDR mode on Android?

To use HDR mode on Android, open the camera app, go to settings or options, and turn on the HDR mode. Some Android devices have an automatic HDR mode that will activate when the camera detects high-contrast lighting conditions.

What are HDR and HDRA in the camera?

HDR stands for High Dynamic Range, while HDRA stands for High Dynamic Range Art. Both are camera features that use multiple images at different exposures to capture a wider range of colors and detail in high-contrast lighting situations.

HDR camera phone

An HDR camera phone is a mobile phone that has a camera with HDR technology built-in. Many modern smartphones have HDR cameras that allow users to capture photos with more detail and color accuracy in high contrast lighting situations.

HDR + extreme PUBG mobile phone

HDR+ Extreme is a setting in the graphics section of the PUBG mobile game. It enables the HDR graphics and extreme frame rate for smoother gameplay on compatible devices, such as smartphones with HDR displays and powerful processors.

What is HDR in camera iPhone?

HDR in iPhone camera stands for High Dynamic Range. It is a camera feature that captures multiple photos at different exposures and combines them to create a single, well-balanced image with more detail and color accuracy in high contrast lighting situations.

4K HDR mobile

A 4K HDR mobile refers to a smartphone with a high-resolution display capable of displaying 4K resolution and supporting HDR (High Dynamic Range) technology. This allows for more vibrant colors, improved contrast, and better overall picture quality.

HDR full form

The full form of HDR is High Dynamic Range, a technique used in photography and video to capture and display a wider range of colors and brightness levels than standard images or videos.

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